The semicircular flow of the data economy
by Pablo de Pedraza
Pablo de Pedraza (PhD in Applied Economics) works for the Unit I.1 – Monitoring, Indicators and Impact Evaluation at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. He conducts research on modelling the data economy, the macro-matching process in the labor market, life satisfaction, job insecurity and the use of web data in applied Economics. He previously worked for the University of Amsterdam and the University of Salamanca. He coordinated Webdatanet (2011-2015 EU Cost Action), a network that brought together web data experts from a variety of disciplines aiming to address methodological issues of web-based data collection. Since 2005 he is a member of the Wage Indicator foundation that conducts a survey about working conditions in more than 100 countries. Since early 2000s he has coordinated research projects and developed collaborative public-private networks.
In his talk, Pablo will present a very simple economic model that motivates better access to data for scientific research. In context of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the “stakeholder concept” and the multidisciplinary interactions are to play a major role. He proposes to build upon economic rationale to discuss the development of data policies and institutions to maximize beneficial uses of data. Better access to data should lead to the development of new techniques and methods, better statistics and scientific research, able to innovate and develop nimbler and trustworthy AI governance and frameworks for the common good.