2nd International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics
– Internet and Big Data in Economics and Social Sciences –
July 12th & 13th, 2018 · Valencia, Spain
twitter: @carmaconf
CARMA 2018 focuses on the study and application of Internet and Big Data in Economics and Social Sciences. The poster sessions will provide an opportunity for presenting late-breaking results, on-going research projects, and speculative or innovative work in progress. These sessions are informal and highly interactive, and allow authors and participants to engage in in-depth discussions about the presented work from which new collaborations, ideas, and solutions can emerge.
Posters should cover the same key areas as the main research tracks and should contain original cutting-edge ideas, as well as speculative/provocative ones. Proposals of new research directions and innovative interdisciplinary approaches are also welcome.
The CARMA 2018 conference will be held on July 12th and 13th, 2018 at the Faculty of Business Administration and Management of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV).
Topics of interest
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Internet and Big Data sources in economics and social sciences
- Google Trends and Search Engine data
- Web scraping
- Social media and public opinion mining
- Geospatial and mobile phone data
- Big Data methods in economics and social sciences
- Sentiment analysis
- Internet econometrics
- Machine learning econometrics
- Information quality and assessment
- Crowdsourcing
- Internet and Big Data applications
- Official statistics
- Tourism forecasting
- Business analytics with social media
- Social behavior and mobility patterns
- Consumer behavior, eWOM and social media marketing
- Politics and social media
- Bibliometrics and sciencetometrics
- Digital transformation and global society
- Privacy and legal aspects
- Electronic Government
- Smart Cities
- Industry adoption
- Gender bias
Authors should submit a two-page extended abstract of their poster. Submissions must be in PDF, and must be done by email to secretariat@carmaconf.org. The poster submission deadline is 4th June. Posters will be peer-reviewed by members of the Scientific Committee based on originality, significance, quality, and clarity.
At least one of the poster authors is required to register at the conference and will be required to give a brief presentation of the poster in the interactive poster session.
About the venue
Valencia is the third largest city in Spain and is located on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. It embraces culture and tradition from the past combined with singular architecture, exciting gastronomy, nightlife, and beautiful white sand beaches. Valencia is the capital city of the Comunitat Valenciana region, which is major tourist destination in summer. More info at:
The organizing committee looks forward to welcoming you all to a fruitful conference with open discussions and important networking regarding research on Internet and Big Data methods and sources across economics and social sciences disciplines.