Important dates

  • Submission deadline:
    • February 21st
    • February 28th
    • March 5th (Definitive)
  • Poster Submission deadline:
    • June 1st
  • Camera ready:
    • April 20th
  • Early bird registration:
    • Before May 12th
  • Registration deadline:
    • 15th of June
  • Conference dates:
    • 28th – 30th of June

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About Sevilla

Sevilla is the capital of Andalusia, and the largest province in the Autonomous Region. It borders the provinces of Málaga and Cádiz in the south, Huelva in the west, Badajoz in the north, and Córdoba in the east.

Torre del Oro

Sevilla, Roman, Arabic, Renaissance, Baroque, Latin American, Marian, Flamenco, Bullfighting, Modern, Festive, Bright, Perfumed, Seafaring, Traditional, Hospitable, Graceful, Cosmopolitan, Religious,… All of these adjectives, and many more can be applied to this city, which not only typifies all that is «Spanish» and «Andalusian», but also contains such innumerous artistic, cultural, leisure, social, and tourist attractions, that has also become one of the most universal, best-known, and most-visited cities in the world, birthplace and inspiration of writers, painters, and artists in general.

It is impossible to find another urban centre which boasts such varied and unusual monuments and places of such beauty as the Giralda, the Cathedral, Reales Alcázares (Arabic Palace), Torre del Oro, Patio de los Naranjos, Maestranza (bull ring), Casa de Pilatos, Plaza de España, Maria Luisa Park, Maestranza Theatre, Saint Telmo Palace, Archivo de las Indias (Indian Archives), Barrio de Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz district in the city centre), Lonja, Palacio Arzobispal (Archbishop’s Palace), Fábrica de Tabacos (Tabacco Factory), Town Hall, Dueñas Palace, Don Fadrique Tower, the City Walls, Macarena Basilica, Fine Art Museum, the Contemporary Art Museum, Alameda de Hércules, Barrio de Triana (Triana district), the bridges over the Guadalquivir, the Cartuja and Monastery and the site of Expo 92, the buildings from the Universal exhibition in 1929, the Casa de Luca de Tena, the patios of its traditional houses, the balconies and railings, as well as an endless number of churches, convents and other details which convert the ancient city centre into an open-air museum.

Metropol Parasol

If we add to this its taverns, its cuisine, its festivals, and the humour and hospitality of its people, we have formed a generous whole, full of colour, drama, light, music, joy, tradition, and modernity which is difficult to match.

Plaza de España

A bit of history

The origin of the city of Sevilla dates from around the first millennium BC, coinciding with its settlement by the Phoenicians and the Tartessians. Its location at the confluence of river and land routes favoured the rapid economic growth of the valley and surrounding lands.

Real Alcázar de Sevilla (Arabic Palace)

The settlement of Julia Romula Hispalis, founded by Julius Caesar, was the hub of spectacular commercial activity. The major settlements were established throughout the territory, whose buildings and monuments can still be seen to this day. The Arabs left an indelible mark on the culture and monuments of these lands. In the sixteenth century, Sevilla experienced its period of maximum splendour. The port of Sevilla received goods from all over Europe, as well as precious metals from the New World, which contributed to the development of western Europe. The Enlightenment saw a revival of trade, agriculture, and industry. The Universal Exhibition of 1992 promoted and enhanced even more the reputation of Sevilla.